It’s funny to me that whenever I tell people that I got to XYZ by just doing and trying , I get a stare like I’m crazy or something for doing something without knowing the outcome and without preparing for it. When you don’t have a blueprint for something the only way it to try and fail forwards

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Doug, once more, big thank you for your insights and particularly this one which is close to my heart given my insatiable thirst for curiosity; it is like i have been wired since birth. YES, nothing can harness the potential of curiosity without the action of doing, throwing yourself comfortably and uncomfortably into the real of the unknown through an active process of experimentation. YES and being the rational person that I am and feels like you are too, I have rationalized excessively at time in detriment of the action of doing it creating a state of paralysis. Please continue to share your curiosities, life is so rich as Prof G would say,

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