Appreciate your sharing some of your ideas. Really liked your committee choices for selecting stocks, comparing and weighting them. Along with your recent article on curiosity and thinking/doing, well it's got me thinking and now I've got to do something! Thanks!

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Thanks John!

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Hi Doug, great article and good discussion with Citywire about AI in asset management. We are in a fascinating moment in this industry and remind me of the argument you and Gene have made around why Google has been so late in deploying GAI despite being so early in the development of the frameworks associated with LLMs. Is there an OpenAI out there that can disrupt the comfortable state that asset managers have enjoyed for so long? I advise a handful of FinTechs that are using AI to enable asset managers drive personalisation of their strategies and despite the obvious benefits, their interest and adoption is timid at best. By the way, I sent you an invitation to connect through LinkedIn and hope to schedule some time to discuss these ideas further. Best and speak soon! Rafael

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